Z is for Zulily (whatever Wednesday)

Today is the last day of ABC's of Pinup! Even though it took me way longer to finish, I am glad I got it done before the year ends.

Z is for Zulily 

Today is a short but sweet post because I am trying to finish up the rest of the year with posts now since I am done with school (yay!) I wanted to write about my college experience and I had missed a day of Blogmas (I caught up though) but I made a quick post about it. So that maybe in the New Year plus I will be going back to regularly scheduled posts M-W-F.

Zulily is like a secondary site (For example Sourpuss carries Steady and vice versa) but they do carry pinup clothing (PUG, BAIT Footwear and Red Dolly Swim) for cheaper. I have yet to shop there but I thought I wanted to share this site for anyone else looking for pinup clothing online and if you're on a budget.

I know it's lame and short for the last of the ABC's of pinup but I am glad to be done with this part of the blog. It was a lot harder than I thought!

See you tomorrow!


Miss Mag Nificent


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