Harry Potter Ornaments Blogmas Day 14

I love making homemade ornaments! It seems to be my own tradition every year one that I don't even know it until I sat down to write this blog. Funny how that is huh?

As you know I am die hard Potterhead (Fellow Ravenclaw here!) so I decided this year I was going to make my own ornaments! I found a bunch of cute styles on Karen Kavett's  YouTube video
I chose to do The Daily Prophet style since it was the easiest to copy and the other is my own design the golden snitch (I am Team Captain of the Ravenclaw Qudditch team after all!) so I will walk you through both designs.


Clear plastic Ornaments*
*now you can get these at the $ Tree or individually elsewhere but Hobby Lobby had them in a 12 pack it helps if you have coupon too.

Clear Tacky Glue
Gold Glitter
White scrapbook paper
Mod Podge
Paint Brushes
Hot glue gun
Gold paint pen
Daily Prophet Pattern

The Golden Snitch

Pour clear glue into the ornament (after removing the top of course). When I made my first one, it took me a bit to get the glue spread out. I even tried Elmer's glue which didn't work (FAIL) so I used a small paint brush to help also if you swirl the ornament as you're filling this helps too.

Next make a smaller funnel and pour the gold glitter into the ornament and swirl it around til the inside of the ornament is covered in gold glitter then dump the remaining glitter (you can reuse that glitter obviously):

Put the top back on after.

For the wings I found a random pattern via google that I printed, traced and cut out of thick white scrapbook paper. Then I took the gold paint pen to make the swirls (my 2nd one looked better):

Last but not least you will take your hot glue gun and add a small strip to tack it on the back of your ornament and presto you have a Golden Snitch Ornament for all the Seekers in your life.

The Daily Prophet

Ah the news from the Wizarding World!

This one does require a bit more work so I did The Snitch in between drying time.

From above download the PDF of the copies of The Daily Prophet and make several copies to meet your needs:

If you didn't notice this is from The Goblet of Fire

Take a rule and your pencil to make lines. I really didn't measure the distance between them or anything I just eyeballed it:

Then cut into strips which I forgot to photograph but you get the idea. Grab another ornament (again removing the top), some Mod Podge and a brush to coat the entire ornament.

Take the strips and start attaching them to the ornament. You will have to cut down some of the strips as needed adding more Mod Podge because it does dry fast.

Do this until you completely cover the ornament with strips. (Note one sheet should cover one ornament) Let dry.

After drying, you may need to go back and add smaller pieces to open areas you may have missed and also you can add another layer of Mod Podge to make sure all the pieces are glued down.

Look, it's the Minster of Magic (lame) himself Fudge 

When you're finished, take ribbon and hang the ornaments on your tree of in my case in my doorway of my kitchen!

Not the best quality I realize. 

Be sure to check out the other Harry Potter ornaments and do your own tree!


Miss Mag Nificent


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