Let's talk Christmas movies Blogmas Day 16

Ah nothing beats a Christmas Tradition like watching your favorite movies. I guess some people watch Die Hard for Christmas (someone explain that concept to me) but I have my favorites that I try to watch every year without fail (or try to catch them on TV since I don't have a couple on DVD). I still have VHS movies (yes you read right) too.

DVD Movies

Elf- I got this movie finally at the library book sale along with Night at the Roxbury (Score!) so I am excited to watch this as part of my yearly tradition

Nightmare Before Christmas- Yes it is a Christmas movie. Your argument is invalid

A Christmas Story- "You'll shoot your eye out!" Before I got it on DVD and when my parents had cable I HAD TO binge watch the all day marathon TBS did because you always got in on it either in the beginning, middle or end. I watch this on Christmas Eve.

White Christmas- This one was a tradition in my family especially with my mom. I enjoyed watching it for the outfits but now as an adult I appreciate it a lot more 

Jeff Dunham's a Very Special Christmas Special  What's better than Achmed singing the Jingle Bombs or Peanut's version of the Night Before Christmas? I love this every year 

Four Christmases  "Mistletoe!" This has become a classic favorite of mine the chemistry with Reese and Vince amazing!

VHS Tapes

Home Alone and Home Alone 2- I remember when these came out. Yes I am old. But I swear I never laughed so hard at Harry and Marv's mishaps with Kevin. Especially in the 2nd one, I roll with laughter every time.  

The Santa Clause-Okay I know there are two additional ones that I have not seen but I love this one the best. Tim Allen is one of my favorite actors.

Winne the Pooh Season of Giving- I have to throw in Disney movies here. This is one more about the seasons with Christmas/New Years towards the end but still I watch it around this time of the year. 

Mickey's Once upon a Christmas- This is a favorite too. They are three stories with Mickey, Minnie, Donald Duck, Huey, Dewy, and Louie, Max and Goofy. About Christmas very cheesy but cute and touching none the less.

Other Christmas movies:

The Nutcracker- This one was recorded from TV (before demand was a thing)  and it's always been my favorite version of the Nutcracker. It's hard to explain but it follows the story exactly and has stunning characters (especially the Nutcracker prince!!). I will always love this version not sure if I could find on it DVD since it's so old (like early 90's?). 

A Charlie Brown Christmas- Yup this is a must! 

Garfield's Christmas Special- I love this one so much, Christmas down on the farm!

I am sure there are a few I'm forgetting but these are the ones that I love. 

What are you favorite Christmas movie traditions?


Miss Mag Nificent 


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