Y is for YouTube (Blogmas Day 18)

Eeeeee! We're so close to being done with The ABC's of pinup!! I have yet to decide what to do for letter Z since

1. It falls on Christmas
2. Plus I am still trying to figure out what to do with Z

But for today (it's the week before Christmas!!) let's get down to it!

Y is for YouTube. It's weird that YouTube exists. I mean I've used it for music videos but then I've discovered people on there and now I have a ton of favorite channels not just pinup and vintage but also crafty people, thrifters and really fun inspiring people.

However for today, I am sharing pinup/vintage YouTubers!

Vintage Doll Laura

Laura is based in the UK and I found through Dolly Cool (she loves her stuff as much as me!) she's really cute and sweet. She also loves Elvis! Her channel is fun.

The Pinup Companion

Rachel's channel just randomly popped up on my feed one day and I really like her aesthetic. She's more older with her style think 1940's. She likes more darker colors, etc. But she's funny too! Plus she is an awesome Cosplayer!! I love pinup who dabble in a little bit of everything not just pinup.

Sweet Emelyne's 

Emelyne is a young vintage YouTuber but again I like her hauls, etc and she does really fun videos like being a 1950 house wife for 24 hours, testing vintage undergarments (really funny) and fun DIY's.

Cherry Dollface

You already know that Cherry was my first pinup You Tuber that I followed. She is one of the best ever she does a variety of stuff including tattoo removal (random I know but still).

Veronique Auguste

I found Veronique through Rachel because they did a style swap together. She is fun vintage gal and she also does neat Cosplay she is more Victorian style than pinup but she's a great one to watch.

Miss Victory Violet

Last but not least is Miss Victory Violet who is basically The NZ version of  The Cherry Dollface (she's from OZ but lives in the UK and does tours in that area) she does great tutorials too .

Happy Viewing!


Miss Mag Nificent


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