Christmas Trees Blogmas day 19

I thought for sure I was on top of Blogmas but I got in the 17th right before the cut off time (according to the timer it was 10pm and it was after midnight here) yay for time difference!

Today is my last day of school!!!

Since I don't do actual Christmas trees, I take pictures of the pictures and share them. That's what today's post is all about!

Midland University

As luck would have it, I got to be at MU and to see one of their trees at their event center done in their school colors of course!

Nye Pointe

Mom's nursing home had their annual party Friday  so I snapped their tree :)

Fia & Belle

This is a store in Fremont which I will be sharing a picture tour later this week. But this is their vintage silver tree.

Hollywood Candy

I also went to Hollywood Candy Saturday so here's their tree :)

Stayed tuned for the rest of the week it will be photo safari!


Miss Mag Nificent


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