Cupcake part 2

The lost is now found!

Yes sire Bob number two decided to make its appearance so I could complete those darn cupcakes. After inhaling a cupcake last Thursday (bad I know) I was able to crank these puppies out:

This a close up (sorry for the images being dark it was 1am)

Here is another of them spread out on the floor. Later I covered them with contact paper despite the fact it’s repositionable I had such a time with it no wonder the roll hasn’t gotten much use out of me and I couldn’t locate it right off the bat.

The cupcakes were colored in crayon and outlined with sharpies um actually the knock off brand by Bic called Mark it! They were an impulse buy at Staples 10 for like $6.99 or $1.99 a piece a bargain if you ask me.

Funny story Staples is a favorite store of mine (I have a weird love for office supplies). Mary wanted to go there Saturday while we were out and about I decided to lock the purse in the car. A good idea in the end because they had new shaped paper clips, funky magnets, erasers and those darn makers. Mary ended up getting some herself along with a brown and black she said you can’t have markers without brown or black so true. Mary likes to use them for drawing like me! But alas I will have to stop back eventually because Heaven knows those paper clips won’t stop calling out to me. Oh when I come back I will share my paperclip earrings.


Today is the day we set up the luminarias writing the names getting them in ABC order. I should really go but as crazy as the week will be I need all the time to rest as I can get! Besides it was my holiday to work so I deserve some rest!

Note: As I said in yesterdays post it was bank night. My team raised $818.00 which is awesome! I wanted to sneak in some photos before this actually posts. So...

Yeah that's hail. Guessing about a quarter sized. It down poured and hailed on my way to bank night I saw this chunk here on Shorty so I quicked grabbed it and snapped a photo so it maybe a little dark. Gotta love Nebraska weather!

I haven't shared anything Twilight related in a while and shame on me the movie Eclipse is going to be out at the end of the month. Anyways I was in the parking lot at the bank help loading can food and silent auction items into cars when I noticed this vanity plate:

If you don't know Esme is Edward and crew's adoptive mom. The wife of Carlise. I found it funny that Esme lives in Fremont, Nebraska instead of Forks, Washington. Well we sometimes have the same weather in WA not always but it was nice car very Cullen like :) I'm a Twilight nerd I know.
At least for now I am sworn off cupcakes because I was getting pretty darn tired of drawing them we’ll see how long it last.


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