Holiday weekend update

Hope your holiday weekend was enjoyable as mine was. It wasn't my Holiday to work so it was nice to have an extra day off :)

However, I am VERY itchy even my feet itch. I don't think I have itched this bad since I had the chicken pox in the 1st grade. Let that be a lesson to use more bug spray. It's kind of like the whole sunscreen thing. I think they both even themsleves out.

Normally the tradition is we have the 4th at Dad's this year we had it at Mary's sister Brenda's house. They have a pool and it was around 70 but Mary and I never turn down a chance to take a plunge, heck we've taken a polar plunge in 50 degree weather before. We played pool volleyball; which I prefer than reguar because the ball is less painful on the wrists, hurts less when you get clobbered in the face (me), and you also don't get hurt when you fall. But still I am not the most coordinated in any sport that's why I was a band/artist geek in High school. No full contact sports for this chick.

Anyways there was plenty of kicking it back:

and of course fireworks:

A good time was had by all.

I need to get on some other posts including my review of Toy Story 3. Until then...

Have a great short week!


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