Review of two movies

Luck me! Not only did I get to see one movie but two! So brace yourself I’ll try not to make this post too long.

At long last I got to see Eclipse. I instantly loved it. In fact, I’ve loved all the saga movies so far. Despite different directors, a few changed actors (Victoria) and other changes you know to make the movie more interesting. But as always it stayed closed to the story pretty much.

The new Victoria (actress name escapes me) was all right I guess I’d have to re-watch both the first two again to re-examine everything. What struck me is how much the actors have changed. I know been a while since New Moon (November 2009 but who’s counting?) but I noticed a change in Kristen Stewart (Bella) she just looked different more grown up as it seems, the of course Robert Pattinson (Edward) *sigh* he looked different too, in fact almost all the actors had some slight differences to them all good I assure you.

Now I must say this, when Breaking Dawn comes whenever they better step up their game!

I’ll explain at the end of this post.

Moving on movie #2

Despicable Me

My cousin Debi Saturday afternoon to watch Morgan and Mason and she asked what was playing so I told her from memory I knew Despicable Me was playing and I kind of wanted to see it. She mentioned Last Air Bender, which I’ve seen the cartoon once or twice not wild about it. But Morgan was all for Despicable Me (Mason wasn’t he really wanted to see Last Air Bender but mom assures me that dad will take them to it).

I loved this movie so much! Mainly I got a bang out of the minions they were quite funny. I also loved Agnes the little girl in the previews “He’s so fluffy!”

The actor Steve Carrell is talented (he’s the voice of the main character Gru). I’ve only seen a couple of his movies he reminds me a lot of Will Farrell. I loved him in Get Smart.

This movie is great for kids and adults alike very funny, cute, and heart warming just like every family movie should be.


Now during the previews for Eclipse, I saw previews for Harry Potter and the deathly hollows. Yes the final installment of the Harry Potter movies! Nerd alert! Nerd alert! And it’s going to be shown in two parts the 1st November of this year and the 2nd in June of 2011. I was bit shocked that the wait is going to be THAT LONG so they better not make any cliff hangers so I’m not in suspense the whole time!!

But on the plus side I am glad the movie is going out with a bang, and the original director is back so I’ve heard. That’s why I say the whoever directs Breaking Dawn to set it up your going to have some TOUGH competition especially if Breaking Dawn comes out around the same time as the 2nd installment does.

That is it for me right now I have to recap my weekend yet too!


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