What a weekend

Besides seeing two great movies, and baby-sitting my two favorite kiddos, I did hangout with my partner in crime Shannon on Friday. We went to breakfast, Staples AKA office supply Heaven, and also Hastings. I will admit I spent a little too much money there (Staples) but I couldn’t help myself literally (Morgan’s favorite word). Here are some pictures:

These are pencil cases where was that when I was kid?

Rockin' pink chair love it!

Got plastic storage cases? One in every color please!

Tools that bend awesome.

Then our trip to Hastings:

Jack Skellington wrap from The Nightmare before Christmas

Jeff Dunham's guys in the trunk. Walter, Achmend, Bubba J and of course Peanut *grins*

I will be sharing what I got at Staples later this week. By the time I got home it was noon and I hadn't slept a wink, I went right to bed so didn't have time to photograph them. We had a wonderful time.

This weekend as I said on Friday was JCF days weekend. I didn't do as much as planned but we did wander the local park that has booths of different things, I was stoked to find tiles for my charm bracelet. Saw Mary's niece Emma dance with her studio, got old fashion root beer, and a big nylon flower cute.

Went to the parade Sunday it was so HOT but thanks to the local Fire Department we got drenched. Morgan was on the girl scout float but she was on the other side so I missed her. Then Mary and I got to see our great friend John Cooper with Salem Lutheran Church.

I don't know the parades just seem different anymore maybe it's me. I of course was in the parades with the marching bands for about 6 years. Just more tractors, garabage, and fire trucks then actual floats. You might be a redneck in Nebraska when... that's disappointting and that 4-H joined up with JCF days in the same weekend , which we only have one parade now so no Shriners maybe that's it too.

Still no creating either :( I am not sure when mojo is going to come back. My posts this week, well be random stuff so forgive me. I do have some past projects that I need to get on here too, so there will be that as well. Plus my 200th post is nearing woo!

Have a great week! Stay cool!


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