
Happy Friday! I finally photographed something I created not long ago and since you've listen to me ramble I owe you.

But first a back story behind this craft. A while back on a dreaded trip to Wal-Mart I was getting some beach esstentials you know Sun In, sunscreen, etc. I was checking out the beach towels when I saw these clips (I wished I had photographed them) there were called Bocca Clips. There were in the shapes of parrots, their purpose was prevent your towel slipping off your beach or lawn chair. Great invention no? Wish it was me. Anyways for only $5.99 they can be yours! Yeah right. Immediately I thought I can so could make them! And I have obeserve:

I'm using my cute little cell phone chair to display them so you get the idea. :)

Easy peasy lemon squeezy. I just took clothes pins and colored them with my Bic mark its (they can also be painted) then I attached my starfish beads that I've had forever on the ends. Here is a close up:

I have yet to put them to test maybe this weekend?


As I said yesterday, my mojo has ran off yet again. I swear it reminds me of the minions from the new movie Discable Me:

If you've seen the trailer you'll know what I'm talking about.

I was trying make something but I just couldn't get it come together the way I thought. The only thing I ended up doing was decorating my cell phone with fishy stickers :-/

I am hoping to see Eclipse finally tonight. It's also JCF Fremont Days here basically celebrating our town founder. So there is a lot going on different activities and whatnot. Should be fun.

Have a great weekend and hopefully mojo comes back. Maybe I'll bribe him with chocolate.


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