Project Runway Episode 3!

TGIF! Its Friday the 13th do not walk under any ladders! And it’s time for my review of Episode 3 of project runway!

The episode begins at Atlas the designer’s home away from away and a lot of the designers are being the mean girls when it comes to Gretchen’s 2nd win, can’t say I blame them. She does rock the talent and has set a bar. Before the challenge Gretchen is asked if she would like to keep her model or take Jason or Nicholas’s model but she keeps her model.

It’s challenge time and Tim is going throw them a party ha. They show up at “Party Glitters” a party shop for an unconventional challenge! I love this kind of challenge makes the designers use think outside the fashion box. The designers get $100 and the judges do not respond well to anything that looks like cloth like tablecloths and wrapping paper are a big no-no. The designers also have until midnight and the winner gets immunity.

This happens to be right up AJ’s alley apparently he is the fashion rebel if you will and likes using toys and what not in his designs (which makes me like him more). Good old Casanova the dope. He doesn’t get it he says I can’t make an outfit out of crap so he buys a ton of stuffed animals, in which he cuts them up and literally beats the stuffing out of them. Freak.

A lot of the designers have great ideas already, Sarah uses the metallic palm tree decorations, Valerie uses all napkins, Andy has all ribbon he is weaving, and Gretchen well she becomes a bit of a snot and says “I’m a force to be reckon with.” See? That’s what two wins in a row will do to you!

Tim comes along as usual to check the designer’s process this happens to be one of the funniest moments of the show. He tells Peach with her design that she has a piece of coal up her butt and to basically pop out a diamond. But the major LOL moment came with Kristen (whom by the way I still don’t get why she is on the show still when her designs are puke I’m just saying). She had a product called Woolly balls, and Tim found hilarious. After working at Novelty Company for 9 years I can relate because some of the product names they come up with are so great and funny. I would love to be paid to come with product names. It seems the challenge of AJ’s dreams becomes his nightmare as he feels pressure. Meanwhile Casanova got a scene setter and tablecloths he couldn’t understand why he couldn’t use them. Tim said that he could but the judges will basically frown upon it. He then says, “I don’t get the point”. I want to smack him!

Models come in with a surprise a bag of tricks to for the designers to make an accessory with! Got to love when they throw in an element of surprise don’t you? Tim tells all the designers he has chills. Poor Andy and his ribbon weaving he ends up needing help from Peach and April, oh and Gretchen doesn’t approve she has become such a mother hen (earlier she tells everyone to make sure their station is clean afterwards) it’s making me not like her.

Runway time, our regular judges are joined by guest judge Betsey Johnson. I love her designs! I was really impressed on how many of the designers rocked this challenge I had only a few bad notes. I loved Mondo’s design he used the plates and the plastic leis, Peach used zebra print gift bags to make a cute skirt, with a napkin top? Michael #2 his was impressive he did all red napkins too (I think) and made a gorgeous gown.

The ones who made it: Ivy, Mondo, both Michaels, April, Kristin, Peach, and Christopher. The 6 that are the best/worst of the group: Valerie, Andy, AJ Gretchen, Sarah, and Casanova (surprise, surprise). Heidi informs them if they are out so will be their models. Here is what the designers did and the judge’s thought:

Valerie-did napkins and made a cute skirt/top black white. They loved it.

AJ-Did a B-day dress it have a bit of everything on it, which the judges hated calling it a hot mess except Betsey loved it.

Andy-The ribbon dress you and this accessory was a glove made with balloons, they loved it too and Nina said she could see Heidi fight Rhianna for it.

Casanova-The tablecloth, scene setter, and stuffed animal disaster, way too busy and Michael said the model looked like a transvestite going to a funeral.

Sarah-Palm trees, it was too plan and sad looking. Which was too bad she should of kept the pink leaves she had planned to, she played it a little too safe.

Gretchen- took the sparkly streamer curtains (the ones you hang) made a very funky skirt and then did”leather” jacket with a paper bag she crumpled. It was fantastic the only complaint was the knee high go-go boots.

Andy wound up winning, because if Gretchen won again the claws would come out! AJ, Gretchen and yes Casanova are in (boo!) Sarah got eliminated.

Last little piece of drama (I promise!) the rescue squad comes to Atlas Ivy has fainted right after judging and is taken out on a stretcher! Talk about a cliffhanger!

That’s it for this time can’t wait until next week!


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