Creative Tip

Just a random creative tip from me :)

A while back at VBS I noticed how the high school kids wear the shoe without tying them, they still have the laces in them but they tie them off and just shove their feet into them.  In all honesty I am not wild about shoelaces (if I had my way I'd wear flip-flops all the time but I'd have to move to California first) so I thought I should try it in an attempt to look cool to save myself from having to tie my shoes all the freaking time. I have a couple of Airwalks shoes a pair of skater shoes and Converse Airwalks knock offs (One day I will own a pair of the real deals in Neon Green of course *grins*)  it didn't go well for either pair.  I wound up cutting the laces too short on the skater shoes and I thought okay well I could just take the laces out the knock offs and just wear shoes without laces... Nope that doesn't work either. 

So I've been just wearing my knock off brand of toning shoes ( I ♥ Payless) to work, and the rest of the time is flip-flops.  During my staff meeting today I was thinking about my Converse knock offs and what I could use to lace them up with and then it hit me ribbon.  I know I should of been paying attention in the meeting but come on, it was supposed to be my sleepy time and seriously I was just there for doughnuts. 

As soon as I got home I grabbed the shoes, the peace sign ribbon, and laced them up here is the results:

I know pretty sweet eh?  I've read in books and magazines how you can use ribbon for laces when decorate your shoes (another project I need to do sometime) oh and I've shared this tip before to keep ribbon from fraying use a cigarette light and melt the ends (cause we all like melting stuff right?).  Now my shoes are laced again and I can wear them again.

Then I noticed how tight they felt seriously?  I wonder if my feet grew again (I have big feet and it's hard to find cute shoes in my size I swear I have Peggy Hill feet.) 

So much for that idea guess they will go to Goodwill (I will removed the ribbon I am not that nice) but it does give me an excuse to look for new shoes win.

Later days! 


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