A post ado about nothing

Hi! Where have I been? Well the rest of the week was a total bust going from bad (my altered book being ruined) to worst the water pump going out on my car and having money issues it’s true what they say things always happen in 3’s. The whole mess left me pretty upset. So I took a few days off from here along with my weekend off that too was a bust. I even didn’t chance to watch Project Runway! I don’t have DVR yet but lucky for me they repeat last episodes before hand (got to love Lifetime for that) so I will have double the reviews on Friday.

Like Seinfeld was a show about nothing this post is about nothing in particular really. Just randomness I guess. Oh what am I driving while my car is in the shop? A late 90’s Dodge Ram van named the Beast by me but as known as the party bus by Shannon and the ambulance by others. I mean yeah I am grateful to have wheels but the van stinks, it’s not all fun like everyone thinks. It has no AC, the radio wasn’t working (it is now), the doom light only works when you open the passengers side door, and I always tend to bonk my head on a shelves inside. Thursday dad helped me wash the van because it was filthy, we used a power washer and a sponge mop (yes a mop) to clean it, that I admit was fun almost like cleaning an elephant ha ha. Since I had the van for the last few days I added a few of my own touches to it, here are some pictures of the inside and of the van itself:

The Beast!  After it's bath

Front view not sure where the dent in the bumper came from totatlly innocent on that :)

Another view squeaky clean (or as close as it's going to get)

Hoops & Yoyo are along for the ride
Hoops & Yoyo's neighbor on the console
Spotted/Eye lashed Frog rides the dash
Puka shells are a must!  Thank goodness I have 3 different strands of it :)
Little frog "hanging" out :)

So inside of my ride being pimped it's been frogged lol.  Once I get my car back hopefully tomorrow I am preparing an emgergency van kit.  You know the basics dashboard whipes (it was really dirty), a bottle of auto fabreeze (I am all about the car smelling good), sticky note in case of an accident or you never know when your going to need to leave a note on someone's car, a pen, and stuff to make the van feel like home even though I really have that much in Shorty (my car) because it's a smaller car.  Just a few touches you know?

I will be back in full artist mode tomorrow, I have a super cool birthday card for to share!

See ya then!


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