Duck tape wallet

Here I go again. I was working on a non-art post again but phooey since tomorrow I will be sharing a review of Project Runway; I thought I’d better be a good artist and share another creative post to restore the balance of things on here yeah. Makes sense? It does to me so…

I had mentioned not long ago of making the duck tape wallet for my friend Joy who used to work at OTC with me in the glory days, and we stayed pretty tight on the old FB. One day out of the blue Joy asked me if I could make her a duck tape wallet, so why not?

I’ll admit it took me while to get started on the wallet, I had pulled the instructions from the duck tape website and at first it looked a bit intimidating I know what you’re thinking it’s duck tape how hard can that be? So I thought ok I can do this. I rarely follow instructions (that’s rebel artist in me) but phooey again I knew I had to with this so I didn’t screw it up.

Hang in there I’ll get to the good stuff in a bit. Once I completed the duck tape fabric and was ready to fold the wallet I realized how small it looked, so I looked at the instructions again, took out my ruler, and I had followed the size requirements exactly but to me it didn’t look right. I was pretty mad (at that moment I swear the creative god and goddess were having a laugh at my expense and Mojo saying I told you so!) My option was to remake the wallet but change the size so I threw the other wallet across the room and reworked it. The end result is below:

I took these pictures before adding the pocket for a driver’s license, which I used clear packaging tape for however I have to figure out how to get rid of the bubbles. The website message board provided helpful tips on how to make the pockets. On a random note someone weirdo mentioned how if you pulled apart two stuck together pieces of tape in the dark it creates a spark. You know I have to so try it!

Oh and I didn’t pitch the smaller wallet I made a clutch but I didn’t photograph it yet because I had yet to put Velcro in it. I will try to share it next week. I will be giving this to Joy as this posts so I will let you know her thoughts later but Shannon like it so much she asked me to make her one, I am taking a different spin on hers stay tuned for that as well!

Viva la duck tape!  Is there anything this stuff can't do??


  1. How fun! I love that the website has instructions on how to do this. I sense a rainy-day craft project coming up! Very cute wallet.

  2. Thanks! I know I am such a visual person a picture always helps!


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