So not a winter wonderland

Whew! It has been quite a snow packed weekend yeah? And it’s only December! Dad keeps saying it’s the worst snow he’s seen in a long time! I say it doesn’t matter how much snow has fallen or how bad it is ALL snow is bad! Though I do recall one year when Halloween was cancelled and dad ended up taking me to neighbor’s houses in my snowsuit. But, I really didn’t feel too motivated to take pictures of the weather I did snap one of my car with my cell here:

Yeah there is a car buried under there! It actually wasn't too badly buried this was Saturday afternoon. I guess the weather is more for this guy:

One of my many snowman fairies, we have a few on the tree at home and dad had the rest of my snowman ornament collection. And they were in his car this morning because he took some over to mom’s to decorate which I am more than happy to share them *grins*. I am itching to take down my Christmas decorations and get back my other stuff I may add a few snowmen here and there (maybe).

Meanwhile we were tired of being stuck indoors pretty much except to shovel (in which I need to go back to the Y and workout my muscles are sore) and to work (me) we went a saw the Chipmunks the Squeakel it was a very cute movie!

I am really not looking forward to the upcoming week because I am stuck working the New Year’s holiday so instead being with friends ringing in the New Year I am stuck in our office at work :0( but I do plan on making some crackers for my Sunday school kiddos and I will share pictures of those this week.

However I am excited that the Chinese New Year is on February 14th this year. I am not much into Valentine’s Day it’s not the singles holiday I normally make cards for my friends but that’s about it so I was really happy to discover that Chinese New Year is on V-day this year double the holiday. So with that I have decided to share some Chinese New Year crafts on here. I was planning to share another old craft project that involves chopsticks I ended up having to rework (there’s that word again!) it and then I recalled that I have several Chinese New Year crafts from books and magazines that I could put together then share here I even have a fortune cookie recipe I must try and origami too I totally rock the origami. After this post I am going to make a list of what I have, so I can see if I will be able to share a project once a week up until Feb 14th I am hoping so!

That’s it for now stayed for of the goodness to come!

Later days!


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