Round two or is it three?

I am back! Thanks for sticking around I wanted to share some "Twilighty" obession goodness with you here it is:
Shannon my other night partner in crime and I have been looking for a Cullen’s baseball shirt for a while now and have been searching. The general idea we wanted was it to say Vampire Baseball, the Cullen’s and on the back have Edward 17 (since he’s forever 17) and Home of the Thunder ball. Between her and I we’ve have looked at,, and I happen to go on I had found it on accident when looking for something else.

It's as close to the what we wanted. I have an I ♥ Boys who Sparkle shirt but that's the only one I have (since others are for stick figures not full sized gals like me but that's changing). It's super cute no? I can't wait to get it!
Enjoy ;0)


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