Rest of the weekend

Went fast! It was a short two days but needed ones! Friday my morning started off early Mary and I had breakfast at BK (I finally got my New Moon cup!) then back to bed for more zzz’s then up at 2 to watch the game. We left before the game was over because we wanted to get downtown early for the Christmas walk. Mary’s and mine dear friend John Cooper (AKA The Piano man or Beethoven) was going to play his cello at Kollmeyers at 5:30. First we went to Krasne’s to look at the Festival of Trees. Local businesses and groups decorated different trees to be a part of the silent auction Relay for Life Of Dodge County had done a beautiful one, among others that were really creative.

Then it was nearly 5 so we headed back to Kollmeyers and looked around a cute little shop so thrilled to have found metal shaped cookie cutters there!! We waited and waited no John. We stopped at Lou’s then PT’s and I ran into Kollmeyers again nothing we weren’t sure where John was! Turns out later he was in the hall between Kollmeyers and J’s steakhouse (could of fooled us we had looked there too). We had given up and went to supper then went home. I always for so bad I wimp out and go to bed so stinking early on the weekends I’m off I should learn to stay up and watch movies because I end up waking up way to early.

Saturday was Thanksgiving #2’s at Dads. It went well, I know I ate WAY too much! I’m dreading stepping on that scale Monday. I was also on a mission. Dad told me not to worry about getting him or mom anything for Christmas (lucky for them I don’t listen ha!) money is going to be a bit tight for me with a new car and bills to pay but I still want to get them at least something to open on Christmas or it just doesn’t feel right then Light Bulb! When my grandpa Bade passed away in 2000 when we were cleaning out his and grandma’s house dad managed to get some of the photo albums that they had one being a very old album belonging to my grandma Bade. Anyways the album had items from their wedding day in 1941. Grandma had saved EVERYTHING newspaper clippings she had gotten in cards announcing their marriage, her bouquet, tags from her dress, and even rice from the wedding. Well the album as seen better days in fact it’s falling apart. My plan has been to restore the album forever and a day now just never truly gotten around to it and I am again in between projects so… that is the plan!

I had to be sneaky about getting the album out of the house without dad knowing not an easy task. We sat in the living room going over the totes of old pictures some of me, Barry, and my sister floated among the memories but no album where is it? I kept wondering. The only thing I found was the wedding pages so the of album most of gotten separated in the shuffle. I snuck the pages away and got started on them Saturday night. The task wasn’t too difficult just a little bit of TLC. My grandmother’s handwriting has faded on most of her entries, but I freed them of their crumbling paper and put them on new beautiful black, white and grey paper. I did have to reattach items as well like her bouquet down but I was amazed after 68 years it still looks good as the day she pressed into the album. Let me tell you it is bittersweet for me to do this album because of the memories it brings. Not to mention the flood gates. I adored my grandparents so much; grandma’s been gone for 13 years and grandpa going on 10. Never a day goes by where I don’t miss them, or think about them wishing I could present the album to them as an anniversary or Christmas gift. But I know they are both looking down on me with praise for me to bring back that wonderful Sunday afternoon 68 years ago.

There is other items in the albums, which I had organized the loose stuff, I plan on probably placing those on pages somehow or maybe find pictures to put with them. I am about half complete on their wedding pages. I just need to do some journaling, some preserving, and locating the Sunday bulletin from that day. I will show the layouts once complete.

We have one more practice till the big program for Sunday school. The kids didn’t seem to do as good with their lines as they have been maybe too much turkey? Plus it’s getting down to the wire for everything and I’m a little irritated at our director who keeps making changes to what my class is supposed to do. I almost wondering if this having the program early was such a hot idea but somehow by the grace of God everything works out here’s hoping!

You still with me? Whew! That was a lot to cover in nearly three days. Thanks for sticking it out and hope you didn't get bored to tears *wink*.

Have a great start to the week it's supposed to start getting cold BBRRR!


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