My thoughts on New Moon

Finally it felt like the weekend was never going to end! Sunday evening Mary and I got to see New Moon.

My review in a moment but first I learned a lesson buy advance tickets. I have done this before with POTC but I should have done it with New Moon. Our plan was to go to the 4pm show well we took a power nap before going and we got there right at 4, they were sold out! I felt my heart drop so I quickly asked if there was still a chance for the 7pm showing there was and we quickly bought tickets. I am glad we did because by the time we got to the mall again at 6:45pm it was packed! A valuable lesson buy advance tickets for something like the Twilight Saga.

Overall the movie was awesome! Yes they did leave a lot out but they can’t fit everything in 2 hours otherwise we’d be sitting for a very long time. I’ve noticed that with the Harry Potter movies. I did almost become a converted member of Team Jacob though LOL. I love the soundtrack too great mix of songs. I was kind of bummed they only brought back one of the groups that sung on the last soundtrack Muse whose song “I belong to you” rocks the clarinet solo reminds me of my FHS band days! But I am humming along to a quite a few of the songs so that’s a good thing!

I had watch Twilight again Monday, I took notice how the songs from the soundtrack where played in the movie most were in scenes but some were on the radio too. Plus my Edward fix wasn’t enough from Sunday. I was crafting while watching but I managed to pay close attention because you always miss something even in the books so usually you have to re-read or re-watch it to find stuff you miss. One more thing because it is related, I am near complete with the shadow box for my friend Becki. I worked really hard on it today and just have a few minor things left then it will be done!

Speaking of Becki her husband called and told me that their oldest Brittney is in the hospital with pneumonia she had H1N1 last week and she was in the ER for that but now they admitted her. I am praying that she gets better! I plan on making her a get-well card as soon as I’m done here.

Which means I’m going to wrap things up Miss Brittney’s card went to the top of my crafting to do list lickity split. I will definitely post it on here when I’m done.

Thanks for listening to my rant of New Moon I could of said more and bored y’all to death (or not) but Twilight is almost as good as chocolate!

Later days!


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