A bit of everything

Well guess the cold weather is here to stay again grrr. I wish mother nature would make up her flipping mind because she has no clue in what she wants weather wise. Plus we're all going to be sick too! Heard it was too dry to snow? Didn't even know it was supposed to until that morning on the radio shows you how much I pay attention (not so much)

Relay meeting went good I am on the activities commitee which I think is a good fit. Honestly it was my last choice. But from hearing that the Team recruiment has to start NOW yeah then maybe it's a good thing I wasn't assigned to that. I also am hoping to team up with a friend of Dad's Julie Higgins on being Historian/Scrapbooking relay. I have to find her email address and get in touch with her.

I had to the Y prior trying to train for the Turkey Trot that work is having, went to the meeting, came home, did some quick cleaning in the kitchen for supper when I turned on the faucet for hot water. None. I fiddle with the knob on the heater then tried again still nothing. Later during Monday night RAW (a must at our household) I went to try again to shower since well ya know and ran the tap in the sink just to see still nothing. Our water heater is not like others it's in the bathroom (we have no basement) and according to the instructions you can reheat the pilot without having to phyically using a match or whatever. No luck. Mary tried too nothing. Time to call our landlord. Who is famous for slacking. He has a concrete business, a family, and other homes but STILL. In my opinion your tennants should be first priority. He's a nice guy but not so good at getting the job done. He's supposed to come tomorrow in the AM so we'll see.

Oh if anyone knows where I can find Twilight scrapbooking paper and supplies let me know because I haven't much luck thanks!

Here are a few randoms to make me smile that I wanna share

~4 days and counting till New Moon!

~I get to eat Pumpkin pie very soon

~Bath and Body works bad for the wallet good for the soul

~Twilight woods b & b new signature sent=Heaven. If they put Edward's picture on the bottle they'd sell more (I'm just saying!)

~Jonathan Jackson returning as Lucky to GH, worth getting up for!

~My green Dale Jr. jammie pants that bag at my feet

~Getting to read John Grisham's Skipping Christmas again (have yet to see the whole movie maybe this year)

~Chaning the language on facebook to Pirate= a great laugh

I'll share more randoms once in awhile they are fun!

Till next time Later days!


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