I lied

Yeah I am SUCH a big liar oh well. I decided that I should not try to get too behind on my posts on here I realized if I wait until next week your going to be reading practically a novel and I don’t want that then you’ll never want to read my blog again. So I am posting what happen on Wednesday and Thursday then I’ll come back on Monday to give you the weekend update okay? Okay.


Nothing really too exciting happened. I had lunch with Shannon, then we had our staff meeting where I ended winning a frozen Turkey from Hy Vee for doing the Turkey Trot I guess walking in the freezing cold paid off!

Later I went to church. It was at the last minute I almost didn’t go but God was pulling at my heartstrings. And I had to give thanks because I had tons to be thankful for and Plus Brittney got out of the hospital just in time for Thanksgiving!
I hung out with my cousin Debi’s kids Morgan and Mason. Morgan is so creative she made little people out of her empty nerd candy boxes from Halloween! I can so tell who she’s related too huh? :-D

Thursday Happy Thanksgiving!

Well I spent most of my day sleeping LOL. That’s the way it is when you work the night shift. Did get up and went with Mary to get a few last minute things from the store then we began cooking.

I was pretty clumsy that day too or as I like to call it I was a Bella. I was at the counter I think opening a can of olives and something had feel off the counter, landed on my foot before hitting the floor. I thought it was a stirring spoon or something didn’t think much of it until I looked down and saw it was a knife YIKES! I quickly pulled of my sock noticed it was just a pinhole and went about what I was doing. It wasn’t till later I noticed it was indeed bleeding figures. After that stuff was dropped, spilled, I kept running into people, and I burned my hands twice in hot water. That’s why I am reminded of the quote from a t-shirt I saw on cafĂ© press “It’s all fun and games until someone gets a paper cut.” :-)

We managed to get everything cooked in record time. We had honey-glazed ham with all the trimmings. It was so yummy!! I of course had to take a nap since it’s my holiday to work hoping for a calm night!

Here is something for you Twi-hards out there. I love http://www.twilightguide.com/ its my site to get info on everything Twilight and it has links to other sites like Hot Topic, cafĂ© press, etc to get your fix *grins* anyways there is a website http://www.4tnz.com/ which had two quizzes one that was What’s your secret Volturi power? Here is my results:


Volturi aren't ALWAYS so dark and serious. Did you know there's a character named Didyme, who has the power to make others feel awesome? With your optimistic attitude and sparkly personality, that's your cup of blood-flavored tea!

And I found how big a Twilight fan are you?

America's Next Top Vampire! (16-18)

Are you sure you don't get woozy during daylight hours? With your "Twilight" knowledge, you're practically a member of Cullen's clan. And to all the haters out there. Just say, "Bite Me!"
Be sure to check them out!

I am closing Thanksgiving with a cool quote I saw on the Crafty Chica’s blog:

Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful.-- Buddha

Have a great weekend!


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