
I almost didn't want to post today. Wednesday was one of those days. I'm leaving it at that but I am going to do two separate posts though. So let's get started shall we?

Here he is my spoolie turkey! Easy peasy to make too. I just covered the spoolie in paper then added the details head, beak, gobble, etc. Then I used the $ Store leaves as feathers from the same pack of leaves that I used in Snoopy's layout. Then since Mr. Turkey rolls, I added a magnet to the back. The magnets were for another project but turns out I couldn't use them so here they are! I am giving the kiddos the option of the leaves or feathers. So their turkeys will be a bit more colorful whereas mine is more festive oh well it's all good *grins* Hands down I think this is the best turkey craft the kiddos will ever make and believe me there have been a ton of turkeys made lol!

In other project news the shadow box is coming along, slowly. I am thinking more of sticking with the Jacob theme because it's what she likes after all. Then just a few minor projects here and there trying to plan for Christmas I need to get stuff to make Christmas cards and a few gifts. One being anothe Altoid mint tin shadow box for a special friend *wink*. I am also making a jean pocket purse as mentioned in last post. I realized that I have to put material in the back because the pocket is a double pocket and the lining sticks out like a sore thumb. I ended up using the second pocket because when I cut out the first, I got distracted by the TV and lets just say I cut more than I wanted to *oops* sometimes you shouldn't watch TV while cutting something out lesson learned.

I won't be able to go to the Midnight screening of New Moon Friday because it's my weekend to work *boo!* the plan is a Sunday matinee with Mary. I like Midnight screenings been to a couple but, there are always teenagers who have to act so immature that it makes it hard to enjoy the movie. My co-workers Shannon, and Lynnae are going along with Lynnae's daughter a young member of Team Edward. I do hope they have a good time!

Well for this post that's all for now. I am having my blood drawn Friday (EEEK!) to do a biometric testing for an HRA, it saves money on my insurance if I do it so what do I have to loose besides blood? lol. The most sucky part of the whole thing is I have to fast for 10-12 hours (oy vey) no pop but H20 is fine. Hey I may actually get in the 8 glasses in for once.

I am facing the scale later so think thin for me ok?

I'll be back shortly with my other post!


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