Pocket Card and changes

Well it’s the middle of the week and Happy Veterans Day! If you haven’t noticed I changed my layout on here, I was ready for a change. Plus I missed my Twilight Blinkie too, so thanks to thecutestblogontheblock.com for the cute layout and blinkie! I am figuring stuff out on here slowly too so hopefully my page can more fully functional soon that’s the goal!

Moving on today also happens to be my wonderful friend Becki’s birthday (along Leonardo DiCaprio’s birthday) though I am still in the process of making her shadow box I did make her this card:

The denim paper is from the stack of paper I had found last week. It came from a pack that I found at the $ Tree many moons ago in Columbus (this was before Fremont got theirs) since then I haven’t found anymore. I thought of the jeans pocket would be a cute card idea. I have all these tags, I want to try and use them a little more project wise so this is a warning you may see more tags in the near future!

When I went to work on this Monday morning I went to find an old pair of jeans to hack up to use the back pocket as a pattern. Then my plan was to turn the pocket into a small purse later (waste not want not!) but I couldn’t find my old jeans to save me (bet they’re buried in my closet somewhere) so I ended up going on Google for a jean pocket image. The backside of the card is (not shown) is royal blue paper.

The cool green letting that reminds me of a label maker is from an Earth Retro pack that I have yet to use except I did notice one tag was missing (no clue where it went). The pack had two sets of punch out letters the label maker letters, and this blue bubble like letters. As much I loved the blue letters I knew the green colored letters would stand out better against the denim. The patch is the real deal from my stash Beck is originally from California so I knew she’d appreciate that :0)

The tag was originally going to be light blue but I thought how boring and opted for something else. When on Google I noticed an jeans pocket invitation image that had a bandanna in the pocket (cute idea) so I searched my scarps that I had on hand (I have been making more tags with the larger scraps) and found a pink bandanna paper scrap that was just the right size for the tag I was using as a pattern. I used the blue “label maker” letters to write her name on the print side of the card. The other is where I wrote my greeting. Of course the ribbon is from my stash too.

The end result: Becki loved the card! She kept asking me “You made this?” and all I could do was grin because I am always proud of my work and I love that reaction. I have just got back into card making again and that reaction was priceless. It was cute that her girls even made birthday cards too! My cousin Jessica’s birthday is this weekend so I might just make her a similar card along those lines. I’ll be sure to post that one too!

Well, that is it for me this time. I am late in my news on DWTS but heard Aaron Carter got booted off and Kelly Osborne gets to stay one more week! As much I like Aaron (and his brother I might add :0)) I am rooting for Kelly because she needs this to prove that she’s not what she’s used to be here’s hoping for Kelly!

I promise to be back with the long awaited layout!


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