Celebrate card and weekend

Despite the COLD I had such a great weekend stinks that it’s over and I have to back to reality that is work but it’s seemed like forever since I had a solid two days off and I enjoyed them! Friday night Mary and I went to see “Leap Year” with Amy Adams cute love story. There is so many good movies coming out, you just want to go see them all!

Saturday night Mary, her brother JR, her fiancé Jacob, and myself went sledding at Clemmons Park, which is a very steep hill when you down it, you go down is FAST and there are bumps in the hill from avid daredevils that make things more interesting. Like I said with the hill, you hit the bumps you hit them HARD. Ouch! As Toby Keith says “I ain’t as good as I once was”

Sunday the kiddos got to finally open their crackers and they burst just like I had planned! One of my kiddos Mason noticed my earrings. Since I have two sets of holes in my ears I try to wear funky earrings I had worn boom boxes and frogs. Mason basically asked me what’s with the boom boxes? I told him why not? He said how about pickles? Well I looked at Clarie’s no pickle earrings but I think I just may have to make a pair and wear them just for him!

The other thing I did is I went to Precious Treasures on Friday and paid for my class *happy dance* I can’t WAIT for Tuesday!! But after paying I had to look around (you just can’t walk in and walk of PT’s!) and I got some wonderful goodies some great beach papers from Cosmo Cricket, this really great album from My Monster Creations (featured in PT’s blog!) and some more Husker papers. I can’t wait to show the fun I come up with!


Okay the reason you’re here to see what I’ve made this weekend. I made Friday night in the wee hours of the night/morning in fact I feel asleep after making it! Anyways it’s a (late) birthday card for my friend Mandy this was after four previous attempts at it:

The card is actually called a “dizzy note” and hails from my BFF craft book more on that in a bit but first the card. I chose pink paper (from the stack) because I was thinking bright and cheerful since everything is white lately. Plus the letters stood out better against the pink, pretty simple. I was thinking of song “Celebration” so I wrote on the inside:

And of course the yummy Jolee’s cupcake sticker on the inside.

Okay the “dizzy note” the idea is to take a CD, trace it onto some white paper (I used sketch paper since I have a lot of that around) then again onto some scrap paper. You cut both circles out; with the scrap circle you cut it in half, then take one half and glue it to one white half of the circle, last you fold it in half then again until you have a small cone. The reason it’s called a “dizzy note” is you write in a circle *duh* on the white side of the note, and then your ready gets dizzy after reading it LOL!

I love the idea minus the dizzy part. I have played around with this design before I thought it’d be cute invitations, I’ve made samples and have them somewhere I will have to dig up sometime and share on here. Anyways I didn’t fold the card again because it needed to be flat so it can be mailed. I am proud that I have another card idea besides the old pocket card.

I am actually excited for the week my class on Tuesday and then my first Holiday party with my department on Thursday should be fun although I still have to find a white elephant gift and I plan to start working on Valentines so there will be loads to share so stop back soon!



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