Vero and not joining the trend

Happy Sunday!

Last Sunday, I got up to check Instagram and noticed a new bandwagon with some of the people/businesses I follow. There was a new social media app called Vero. Which is supposed to be the new "Instagram". At first I wasn't I wasn't keen on the whole bandwagon, mainly because I have enough accounts as it is. I have Twitter but hardly use it, Facebook of course, Instagram, Pinterest, Snap chat again hardly use it, a Tumblr, and I am also Blog Lovin'

Anyways, Vero is supposed to be better as it doesn't have any algorithms which is known on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook.  Which can be a pain in the ass because you tend to miss out on your favorite people's posts. What I hate about Instagram is the ads. I am always clicking on "It's not relevant" but as the morning wore on I saw numerous people jumping on the Vero bandwagon you know the old saying "If someone jumps on the bridge you do too?" 

A back story: I didn't join Facebook right away, I had MySpace first which I was super late to that party, then I joined Facebook, not long after I finally got my first Smartphone then I joined Instagram because I loved taking pictures and I loved the filters. Later I joined Pinterest, Twitter and then Snap-chat. Pretty much I think being late to most of these. I wasn't going to jump on the Vero bandwagon so I made on a post of Facebook asking if any of my friends that had Insta joined Vero party. *crickets* I dismissed it. As the day wore on more people seemed into it but I didn't know much about this so called "app" until one of my followers said how glitchy it was. That was enough for me not to get it, also I had to agree with one my followers who suffers from anxiety said it would be to much upkeep. I had to agree with that.

Plus my Facebook and Instagram are super private (Instagram I have to approve you to follow me) this weeds out the creeps (which is often) there wasn't any talk about privacy settings on Vero. Plus there was just a bunch of other fishy stuff that I did not like about the app check out this post from Mrs. Greatnews. So it was a hard pass for me. I'm kind of glad I didn't jump on this bandwagon. I have enough on my plate as it is!

Do you have Vero and what's your take on it?


Miss Mag Nificent


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