Sunday Thoughts: Unplug Sundays

Last Sunday, after the Miss World of Wheels show, I was worn out. I had blisters on my feet from my heels (note to self wear your damn flats when walking!) I hadn't slept well the day of or after for a quick nap before working four hours and then church, Sunday school on top of it! I had 6 kids (I normally have 4) plus 2 that were really hyper and they tested my patience!

By the time I had lunch I was over the day. The weather was crappy, I was wore out, my feet hurt and then dad asked if I wanted dessert to pick up at his place. My patience was done and gone by then I just wanted to go home and hit the hay!

So when I finally got home, I went straight to bed and passed out for the rest of the day. I woke a couple of times and did have a quick supper. But the entire time I did not grab my phone or even look at it, in fact it remained on the charger until Monday morning (faced down). So I did get messages, etc but I did not respond to anyone until Monday. Plus I didn't check Facebook until  I arrived at work that night.

While I was sleeping, an idea came to mind that perhaps I should devote one day a week to being "unplugged" which means I will take time out to not look at my phone as often as I should be. I will give myself a cut off time of when I will not pick up my phone until I absolutely have to which depends on the Sunday. I work every other Sunday as it is. My plan is that have my phone in the mornings before and during church (in case we don't have kids for Sunday School) then after lunch 12:30pm-1pm is when I will unplug for the rest of the day.

If I work: I usually don't check my phone until I get up for the night and I put my phone in the living room before I sleep anyways (less screen time anyways)

If I am off: Depends on what I plan to do, normally I sleep so I won't look at my phone. If I go somewhere, I plan to stay off social media while I am out. Mainly I use GPS if I am going somewhere (depending on where I go).

I think this will be a good test for me and maybe it might lead to more days? I try to limit my social media usage overall because it's just better in the long run. Gosh it seems so weird that there was once upon a time there was no social media and now there is like it's a new norm?

I will recap perhaps in a month to see how thing are fairing with it? Deal?

Have a great week!


Miss Mag Nificent


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