T is for Tiki


We are finally getting back to regularly scheduled posts around here! Which means I am back to doing the ABC's of pinup!

T is for Tiki

If you have been around before this blog before it became a pinup blog, you know I loved anything vintage beach or Hawaiian Style aka Tikki. There was something about it that caught my eye. I love anything vintage now of course but then it was just that style.

Tiki is an ultimate go to for pinups like anything nautical or Disney. I have only three tiki style dresses currently:

This first one is from Hell bunny which I got to wear to Jimmy Buffett.

The second is more of a skater dress style which comes from Rebel Love

Last but not least this isn't a pin up brand but it does have tiki vibes I got at Old Navy earlier this summer but you can add an petticoat to it and some accessories boom you can pull it off as a vintage style!

 Most pinup companies carry tiki style outfits so they are not hard to find, along with accessories or check out your favorite shops too! Also this week is a tiki event called Pinups and Pineapples so I am excited to go! Stay tuned for the review of tiki bar!

Have a great week!


Miss Mag Nificent


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