Halloween Recap

I still can't believe Halloween is over! This month went really, really fast.

I didn't get to do a ton of Halloween crafts, or make treats this year I had bought almost all the materials but I have been so tired lately, busy with school and I didn't get my vacation this month like I usually do.

I did however got to go to a pumpkin patch (even though it was 90 degrees), a haunted house, a Halloween party and I got to wear Halloween outfits! Win some and lose some.

Here's a recap:

Thursday 26th I took my nephew to a trunk or treat:

I also tried the Zombie Frappuccino:

Verdict? Not bad. I liked it better than the unicorn one

Saturday besides going to Nightmare on Ridick I went to my friend Rave's annual party:

Sunday I was worn out by the time I got home but I did paint my big pumpkin (not how I wanted) I did neon polka dots:

I also finally got to watch The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, ordered Pizza, and watched The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Monday, I started my internship! Then the big old day arrived! I had to go into class that day that really put in the Boo in my day but it was also taco Tuesday so you know.....

As for fun, I go help my mom and her nursing home annual trick or treat. Then I have supper with my dad and brother followed by visiting my friend Lora's house to see her decorations in action:

Me with Jack! 

As you can see, it was VERY cold this year! We even had flurries! Typical Nebraska weather.

Stay tuned for my costume reveal!

Also I changed the name of my blog (again!) this time I think it's perfect!


Miss Mag Nificent


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