$10 Goodwill Challenge: November

I decided to start a $10 Goodwill monthly challenge. I've seen different GW challenges $5 and whatnot, I figured $10 gave a bit more leeway to get some great stuff and outfits at GW fall within that range as well.

Sidebar: I have a GW discount card so that will apply to most of my purchases and it helps with the challenge :)

I am in the process of changing up my living room a bit I got a new end table (post to come) so I was actually looking for something new-ish to put my TV/DVD remote like a cute dish, I had been using a cardboard take out boxes from Target for years it was time for a change.

Here is my haul:

Don't mind the cat toy

I will start with my two higher priced items $1.99

I still feel it's too early for Christmas (I am waiting until AFTER Thanksgiving) but this bowl caught my eye. I was big into col bolt blue back in the day, I loved the gold ornaments on the side so I thought it would be a good decoration piece with some gold ornaments inside :)

Here is a close up of the bowl:

The other $1.99 item is the locker bin which I got in another honest attempt to store my mail in.

Now onto the .99 cent items.....

This small laundry basket caught my eye to store some of my many throw blankets plus it had an original price tag from an old shop here Nebraska Alco! That store was my jam back in the day....

What I found for my remotes was this small angled basket (I think I am the only person on the planet who has two remotes) and I wasn't sure I liked it, but once I got it home placed on my end table it totally grew on me!

Last but not least the .59 cent items

I spied these mini metal pails and I thought it was snowflakes but turns out to be stars! However they are cute plus the other is polka dots so.... and you can't beat .59 cents

This small dish with chevron print isn't large enough for remotes but it will work for jewelry (since I can't locate my other one grrr) I set out my jewelry in the living room before I go to work so I don't forget to put it on. Makes sense?

That's it for this month's haul. Stay tuned for my Flying Worm Vintage Haul!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!


Miss Mag Nificent 


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