Glitter Coke Bottles

This isn't part of my red/black Christmas peruse, but I love Coke products including the glass Coke bottles which I have accumulated quite a collection of them. I haven't been able to do much with them lately until I found one of my Pinterest pins (here's the link of the how to). Glitter Coke bottles! It combines the two things I love Coke and glitter!!


Coke bottles clean of course (I used 5)
Painters or masking tape
Spray adhesive (I used Aleene's) 
Plastic shopping bags for each bottle
Plastic container (to dump the glitter in)
Glitter any color (I used holographic silver)
A plastic bowl or bin to store the bottles in
Ribbon (optional)

For each bottle, take painters or masking tape to cover around the lip of the bottle this will help keep some of the glitter not getting on the entire inside of the bottle. But I found this step is completely optional because I did my last bottle without the tape and it worked just fine.

Next, take a plastic shopping bag cut a hole in the corner (I did not photograph this) and stick the bottle through it. This protects the bottle and your opposite hand while you're using the spray glue.

Take the spray glue and start spraying the glue inside the bottle. I sprayed until there was about an inch of glue at the bottom, remove the bag and roll the bottle around until the glue coats the entire inside of the bottle. You will use a different bag for each bottle that's why have more than one.

Now that the inside of the bottle is coated with glue, place it in the container and add glitter. I made a funnel with scrap paper to help fill the bottle. Again I did about an inch of glitter at the bottom of the bottle. Again, you will roll the bottle around until there is no glue or bottle showing dump any access glitter into the container.

Let dry and remove the tape.

Repeat the steps again for each additional bottle.

Last but not least arrange the bottles in a bowl or bin of your choosing (the blogger used a wooden bucket) and you can also tie the bottles with ribbon. Then display:

It gives a fun festive touch! You can also use them as vases, or even place cards at your holiday table! The possibilities are endless!!

Stay tuned for more Coke up-cycling projects!




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