Crafting with kids: Homemade Snow

"Oh the weather outside is frightful
But the fire is so delightful
And since we've no place to go
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow"

Well we've had snow twice but it hasn't been enough to cause "chaos" I am hoping the worse of it will wait until school is done I have only 2 days left after today!

This craft actually came from Facebook but I went right to Pinterest to save it so I could have the proper links. As I mentioned last week, I try to do seasonal crafts with my soon to be 3 year old nephew Luke and now his 1 year old sister Sylvia. Their mom my friend Mandy, wanted to make this homemade snow she had found along with DIY kinetic sand (that's going to be for when it's warmer out!) with Luke. 

Luke is now old enough to "help" in the kitchen the basics dumping measured out items into the bowl, etc. I was more than happy to let Luke put together this snow! I didn't photograph any of our assembly because we dove right in after I walked into the door last Friday! But for the sake of the blog, I made my own! I took a "snow day" last Saturday to make it!

What you'll need: 

1/2 cup of conditioner (white)

3 cups of baking soda*

Bowl to mix it in and then a container for storage:

*The picture of the pin says 2 cups of baking soda and that's what we used it worked fine and actually I had only 2 cups of backing soda left to make my own snow and it still worked fine.

Also you might want to use white conditioner which I had just enough of Mandy had a mango flavored conditioner which was fine in hindsight, it just gave the snow a fruity scent/orange color. Just a tip! 

All you do is take the two ingredients and mix! I used a spatula to get everything mixed together but you can used your hands too if you have your little helping. If you need you can add a tad more conditioner to mix in all the baking soda but this is your end result:

 It's mold-able like play dough. 


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