How did I get old?

Okay I know for 27 I am still "young" but come on I'm almost (gasp) 30.  But a convesation that Shannon and I had last week makes me wonder. 

Shannon told me that a friend of hers was getting into a conversation about 80's TV you know when stuff was actually good decent.  I mean yeah there is some good stuff on TV now but it wasn't like when I grew up. Shannon mentioned Jem and the Holograms. Which if you don't remember was a cartoon about a bunch of girls who transformed into a rock band that saved the world.

Holy snikes I thought as we're talking.  I hadn't thought of that show in years. Granted I was 3 when the show started in 1985 but it ran until 1988 when I was just starting Kindergarten but I do remember watching and having the coloring book. 

It made me think about my childhood and how things have changed a lot. I've made a list:

*Littlest Pet shop started when I was kid

*Polly pocket actually could fit in your pocket she was about the size of nickel?  Now she's a bit larger and not a choking hazard-seriously why would you want to ingest Polly?

*I remember The Simpsons starting

*The oringinal Power Rangers. They weren't in outer space or whatever it is they are now-Are they still even on?

*American Girl had only 3 dolls. Now they're being retired. 

*The original Nickelodeon shows: Ren and Stipmy, Doug, Rugrats, Cat Dog, Angry Beavers, Aaahh! Real Monsters

*Double Dare the game show

*The original Nintendo with duck hunter? And the big chunky game boy?

*When you actually got prizes in your cereal and didn't have to send in some damn box tops?

*New Kids on the Block-Nuff said

*Other shows Punky Brewster, The Smurfs, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Fraggle Rock, Heman and Shera, Ninja Turtles, Garfield, Transformers and GI Joe? 

*Playground equipment was medal and wasn't dangerous

Okay I'm stopping there but boy does that sure takes me back. I can easily say that.  Worse part to all of this...

Our parents were right. I won't tell them if you won't sshhhh!


  1. I'm 34. Really old! LOL

    Every year lately we have the question at school if we should give a tribute to 911? My newer students barely remember 911 happening.


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