Big super exciting news!!

(Drum roll please) Your looking at one of the designers for Benchmark for the arts!!! Ok.  If your wondering what the french toast I am talking about check out their website click on news. I'll wait.

Oh yeah by the way? That's my sketch on the homepage :) I know I had a post on it somewhere but I can't seem to locate it.  Yesterday was very suspenseful day for yours truly.  I knew today was the day I'd hear about it so try going to sleep after working all night long with that looming over your head.  Having my creative fate in someone else's hands is very nerve wracking too.  So I went home to sleep but I kept waking up checking my phone, checking my e-mail, the snail mail, and Facebook.  I even dreamed I didn't get it lol.  Then when yesterday's paper came it was on the front page here's that article I thought okay what's up? Why haven't I heard yet?  I booked it to the library and checked my e-mail again since sometimes computer is better than the phone when checking your e-mail. Nothing. 

I went home a bit defeated I'll admit it. Well there is 43 designers so maybe it was going to take a while to get in touch with everybody. I decided to go back to bed for work that night.  I got up and first thing I checked Facebook.  One of my good friends and my personal cheerleader (Hi Debbi!!!) wrote on my wall as if I won.  I'm like huh??? Then I checked my e-mail and there it was. My welcome e-mail from the awesome benchmark powers that be. Saying I was chosen.  It I was speechless. I was chosen. It took a bit to sink in. Then I ran downstairs to tell my roommates and then ran back upstairs to call my dad.

It has been a whirlwind now.  I couldn't stop shaking with excitement! A design in my head, that I put on paper now is going to become reality.  A bench, called piano bench ideally enough :)

Now I have to pick up my mini bench to design by next month for our annual Christmas walk the day after Thanksgiving.  Where the mini benches will be on display.  Then not long after I get the big one.  Of course I will be blogging my progress on here time after time. 

Stay tunned!!


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