Re watching The Twilight Saga Part 1

If you have been following this blog in my humble beginnings, you know I was a BIG Twilight Saga Fan. It feels so long ago! As you know I also re-read Twilight/Life and Death this year since Stephanie Myer released Midnight Sun this summer. I am now finally reading it. 

Anyways, last week on E! The Twilight saga was on TV. It inspired me to re-watch ALL the Twilight Saga movies. I can't remember the last time I've watched all the movies. I am giving a full review of the movies again from a 30 something adult instead of a 20 something Twi-hard adult. Back then I was Team Edward and I am to see if I stan (that's what the cool say right?) with Team Edward or if I'm now Team Jacob!! 

Also there are 5 movies since Breaking Dawn is in  two parts. I have added the original release dates for a bit of history and I will include links of the ones I did actually see in theaters. Plus I am also going to do this post in 2 parts with the first 3 movies and then part 2 will both Breaking Dawn Movies.

Now I cannot remember when I first saw Twilight. I am 100% certain it was when it came out on DVD probably a year later? The same with Breaking Dawn 1/2. I know I watched either both with Shannon or at least part 2 with her when Sheamus my God Son was little. 

Twilight: Original release November 21, 2008

Re-Watch Date: November 18, 2020

Thoughts: I caught myself quoting different lines from the movie. Thinking about the book a little bit (the original/Life and Death). I remember being obsessed with it when I was younger. Now? It's just okay. I kept thinking Bella is such a dork. Edward is Edward (too overly good looking). and I still don't like Rosalie.  

I give *** out of 5 stars 

New Moon: Original release November 20, 2009 

When I saw it November 22, 2009 

Re-Watch Date: November 19, 2020 

Thoughts: This was the movie I caught while at work on E! But right after the "break up". I watched it again in full and remembered how good it truly is. Especially Jacob becoming a wolf, it's kind of why I lean towards him more in this movie because he was there to pick up Bella's broken pieces. Jacob truly loves Bella. Even though he never imprints on her. 

I didn't like that Edward and The Cullen's left after Bella's birthday incident. I felt it was a cop out. Maybe it's because I am older and wiser now that I see this. Would I have back in 2009? I'm not sure. Even though I was single, I was a firm believer in true love and happily ever after. I have also been guilty of taken two of my exes back in the past but now as an adult I am wiser.  

It's why I don't like Edward as much in this movie as I did in Twilight. 

I give it ** out of 5 stars 

Eclipse: Original release June 24, 2010 

When I saw it July 11, 2010 

Re-Watch Date: December 3, 2020

I worked a lot of overtime this past week so I didn't get a chance to sit down to watch until my day off but whoa... I REALLY underestimated Jacob!! I mean.... 

But besides that... I think I was blinded by Edwards sparkly persona and looked past Jacob back then. However, he really LOVED Bella. Now I know Edward loves Bella too but I'm still on the argument from Breaking Down that Edward left Bella after what happened, Jacob was left to pick up the broken pieces, he saved her from drowning the list goes on. He even stepped up when Bella was freezing to death at the campsite right before the vampire newborn showdown (spoiler alert! If you haven't seen the movie by now I don't know what to tell you.) He straight up said that he could give Bella more then Edward could (can you imagine!!!!) It just breaks my heart that Bella turned him down (I know, I know things get better in Breaking Dawn but still!!) especially when he's hurt protecting her. Legit kick him when he's down.

Sidebar: I kind of liked Jasper a bit more as well. It's neat to see the characters come into their own after the first 3 movies.. Hearing his story along with Rosalie's (completely forgot that Carlisle found her and changed her like Edward which does make them siblings) made them a bit more relatable to the story.

I really enjoyed Eclipse the 2nd time around for sure so I'm giving it

***** 5 Stars!! 

I will be posting a part 2 with both Breaking Dawn movies whenever I get to watching them (I am hoping on my days off this week). 

Stay Spooky!

Miss Mag Nificent 



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