I stopped shaving for a month

 Ah. The great shave debate: 

Should a woman shave yes or no? 

I have seen this topic floating around You Tube for some time. There has been "standards" set for us gals that we're supposed to be hairless. Legs, under arms, and bikini area. Some gals even shave their arms (I think I only did once). We're told men won't like us because we're hairy that us having extra body hair is disgusting, the whole 9 yards.

Here's one of the You Tube Videos from Meghan Hughes on the topic:

She has two addiotnal videos on the topic as well one that is about 2 years old and then one about wearing bathing suits with body hair.

Also here's Sierra Schultzzie's video too

My story:

I wasn't introduced to shaving my legs like most gals. I had to learn the hard way meaning being picked on by my classmates (girls) in 6th grade because I didn't shave my legs yet. I thought I was "too young" to be shaving and was told by my mother. However that did not stop me from hijacking my mom's electric razor and trying to shave my legs anyways. Since I never was given a how to on shaving I had to just learn on my own and hack up my legs in the process. 

My bikini area. I was told by certain men that I needed shave there. Of course I foolishly did (again no guidance prior to this). Because they told me to. However, I got a lot of ingrown hairs down there plus it itched soooo badly.  Legs was never really an issue I was for the most part OCD about it. 

I know some women think it's disgusting not to shave. I admit I am guilty of thinking that. I've seen women in public with unshaved body hair. It doesn't bother them why should it bother me? The answer: It shouldn't. 

For me, shaving my legs feels like a chore. I mostly try to shave for pinup contests (I wear stockings) otherwise I don't shave nearly as often as I used to. On average pinup contests aside I shave once at least week (sometimes with winter I tend to go longer). However, I suck at it still even after all these years. I often miss spots (hello ankles I hate you), and still cut myself. 

Since I'm single I really don't have to worry about impressing anyone. But for an experiment I decided not shave my legs/pits for a month. 

Last shave day: November 25th. I decided to start with a "clean slate" as it were to go off on. Christmas Day will be the 1 month mark and I figured I'd post this a few days before instead of having a "hairy Christmas" (ha ha) I'd share something else that day. 

In this photo you can REALLY tell how long it is!! 


Did I save any money? I suppose yes but because I already have shaving stuff on hand that I didn't need to go buy anything. The costs of shaving cream and razors can be nuts. Even if you do a subscription service. 

Leg Hair: My leg hair doesn't get thicker prese or anything since it's blonde you really can't see it but I did zoom in really close so you can see what I can see and feel. 

I did notice I am itchy around where my newest tattoo is (I think that might be the most dry). 

At times I was tempted to grab the razor and shave because it is a habit (just like brushing your teeth)

But really nothing ground breaking happened. Again since I'm single nobody sees my legs but me, myself, and I. 

My armpits: I didn't really notice much difference (also I didn't photograph to spare you) it was a bit longer not as thick as I thought I'm sure if I were to go longer. But my armpits at time usually itch post shaving sometimes (ah the perks of sensitive skin). Also my armpits don't stink 

Other body hair areas: Again I don't shave my arms, bikini area, I clean up areas on my face and I haven't had my eyebrows waxed at all this year (mostly because of Covid). Other than that, I try to embrace these things as they are. 

Which is the big lesson of this experiment: It is okay to shave if it makes you feel good about yourself  as the same as not shaving. At the end of the day it doesn't make you any less of a woman/man if you do or don't shave. It's not as gross as we're told to believe and this is what we need to tell our younger generations that shaving is their choice. 

Now if you'll excuse me while I grab my razor..... 

Sierra shared and updated video so I am included it here


Miss Mag Nificent 


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