Sunday Thoughts: Re-Reading Twilight (Life and Death)

When I heard the news about Stephenie Meyer is finally releasing Midnight Sun (Twilight from Edward's point of view) this August I was really excited. If you don't know, Midnight Sun was accidentally leaked online years ago (without Meyer's permission) she did release a "sneak peek" on her site (if I remember right the first chapter). But it never went to publication. There was a 10th Anniversary edition of Twilight Released back in 2015 which I picked up because I never had a hard copy of the 1st book. In the 10th anniversary edition, Meyer did a "re-imagined" version called Life and Death which all the characters change roles Bella becomes Beau, Edward becomes Edythe etc. (I am currently reading it). At the time, I tried to read Life and Death at the time when I picked up the book, I tried to read it and wound up confused. The book ended up on my shelf with the others.

As I mentioned, I am re-reading Harry Potter but I am in between books (until I get book 3), I picked up Twilight to re-read for the first time in over 10 years (I think?).  When I got into Twilight (if you're an oldie but goldie you will know I wrote about it A LOT on the old blog here).  It was right when the movies were a thing, and I had started to read the books. Even though I was in my late 20's a WAS a BIG Twilight Nerd. In fact, I found some of my old "Team Edward" stuff. 

Re-reading Twilight after all these years was really no different. I didn't feel all the feels I didn't back in my early-late 20's (you know a love sick puppy). Some have said that The Twilight Saga is a tame version of 50 Shades just throw in the supernatural element of wolves and vampires minus the kink. I would agree to disagree because both books have some similarities (that's a post for another day) and are completely different. Now don't get me wrong, I still think it's a good book that stands the test of time, I just feel different now being in my late 30's.

Once I finished Twilight  I flipped the book over to attempt Life and Death. I think Alice here can summarize my thoughts:

While it was similar to Twilight there was small changes until I got to the last chapter. That's when the book did a complete 180. In all fairness to Meyer, she had to have an ending for L & D as opposed to having the reader left hanging (as she did in the saga) hence why she changed it also you know because she's the author and can do whatever she wants. 

I will admit I had to stop reading L&D to flip the book over to back in Twilight to re-read what exactly happened again to refresh my brain a bit. Some parts of the book were longer than Twilight to give more preface I guess?  Secondly no offense to Meyer but the gender bend or character reversal was a bit hard to follow for an example Alice was no Archie they had the same story line but in L & D you get more of in depth story behind him. The only characters that didn't change were Charlie and Renee (Bellas/Beau's parents) which was relief but it would have been interesting if Renee was the one who had the life in Forks (a loner, etc) and Charlie was the one moving to Florida or wherever with some Floozy. Missed opportunity there Meyer. Also the Jacob is now Julie, Billy (the elder of the Quileute Tribe) is Bonnie (which is a nod to the Bonnie in the saga) but the kept the character Sam (the head of the tribe) name is same (despite being a female in L&D) not confusing at all right? 

All the confusion aside, and keeping everything straight made the story hard to keep up with as I mentioned above. Do I like it better than Twilight? Not so much although Meyer had a somewhat of a happy ending but it was an ending none the less.

I am now back reading Prisoner of Azkaban (which is my favorite Harry Potter book) 

Always Putting the E in Extra,

Miss Mag Nificent 


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