Hot Topic Haul

Happy Halloween!!

I am really sad that I have to take my decorations after today, but I am already thinking about Christmas which is really super unusual for me because I am not a huge fan of Christmas (Don't get me wrong I love the holiday) just not all the stress it brings. But I want to do some newer decorating (and color scheme) so I am getting started early! Plus I also have a re-vamp project in the works!

Two Fridays ago now, I went to Nebraska Crossing Outlets  to go to Hot Topic. I had visited the store prior to this but I didn't buy anything so I wanted to go back. I wanted some Harry Potter gear plus to see look at some of the other stuff they had. I wanted to do a haul post for a while so I will do random ones from time to time!!

I think out of all the Hot Topics in the area (Lincoln and Omaha) I think NEX Outlet has the best Hot Topic hands down. I just like it because it's roomier than the other stores, plus more to chose from. Since Hastings closed (sad face) I need another nerdy shop nearby and Hot Topic carries everything Nerdy Harry Potter, Superheroes and of course Disney!!!!

My Haul:

I got some Harry Potter gear because I never really had any gear! With the newer movies coming out and the 8th book, you're girl needed some gear. Despite where I was sorted into on Pottermore  
I am definitely a Ravenclaw (side bar did you feel like you belonged in Gryffindor with Harry when you read the books growing up?) because Luna Lovegood (my favorite besides Tonks) is a Ravenclaw. I think if I was in Ravenclaw I'd play Quidditch but also be captain so I got a baseball tee styling that. Plus, a captain needs to have the golden snitch right? So I got the necklace too.

Next, I got some Nightmare Before Christmas perfume called Rag Doll featuring Sally. It smells amazing! I love the packing and the bottle so much! (The next picture shows it out of the box).

The last item was an impulse buy I saw this shop on Etsy and was excited Hot Topic was carrying their product! DaBombFizzers 
make fun bath bombs so I picked up the "F" Bomb to try. What's cool about the bombs is the have something cool inside each one mine had a cool quote (which I don't have the picture for). The bomb is a pretty purple color:

And yes turns the water purple take my word for it! I tried to get a photo but the pictures wouldn't do it justice! I am excited to order from DaBombFizzers now that I know how great their products are!

Stay tuned on Wednesday I will recap Halloween!

Have a spooky day!



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