Halloween Movies my list

Since I am on vacation here is some post dated goodies! Enjoy and see you in a week!

Every year, I like to have a tradition where I watched Halloween themed movies during the month of October. I have a small collection and I plan to add to it! Without further ado my list of movies!

The Simpson's Tree house of Horror collection

If you remember, I did a post a while back about my favorite Tree House of Horrors 
luckily a few of them on this DVD. It's not Halloween without Tree House of Horror!

Hocus Pocus: I remember going to the theater when it first came out! I just purchased this at Target for $5. I am so happy to have it in my collection! Bettie Milder as Winifred a classic!!

Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas: This also came out when I was younger. It has become one of my all time favorites I watch it twice a year.

The Corpse Bride: Another Tim Burton classic! I've grown to love it!

Beetle Juice: Yup another childhood movie! I loved the cartoon so much! "I myself am strange and unusual"

Ghost Busters: Need I say more? I have to get the others to add to my collection.

Edward Scissor hands: Okay maybe it's not really Halloween related but I love this movie a lot.

I know this is a short list I need to add to my collection and throw in a couple scary movies too. 

Have a great week!!




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