Weekend in photos

Yet another weekend came and went FAST.  But here are photos from the fun!
Oreos before getting chopped for Oreo Balls a yummy holiday treat I made for my Relay Christmas party Monday. 

I babysat Miss Izzy and Emma Saturday so we played with Barbies this is how I did my Barbie's hair.

Here is the backside. Mine if you pushed the ♥ Barbie talked. Just for giggles I hit the button and she says "Let's make me a bride" Okay Barbie I think octupus hair is not very bride like whatevs. :)

I brought canvas ,watercolor paint pens, glitter paint, and glitter pom-poms for the girls to make Christmas pictures we all made trees here is my tree.

Izzy's tree full of color :)

Emma's tree very cute!

Today was the Sunday school Christmas program:

Miss Jocelyn as a shepardess.  I used my pink wrap and scarf for this creation.  Usually she's an angel or even Mary she was upset she wasn't an angel but after so encouragement she knocked out her performance!

Jo's brother Dalton was a shepard too with a pink kool-aid mustache :)

All the shepards. Jo, Mason, Sam and Evan. 

The Christmas Tree at church very pretty.

The kids singing "Away in the manger"

My newest ring I got at Gordmans today :) LOVE IT!
I hope everyone had a great weekend!


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