Tales from the doctor

Well it hasn't been the most awesome day.  In fact it's been down right crappy.  I wanted to get better really.  I wore my brace like a good patient I even used a stress ball :

Perfect for basket ball season!!

But alas the CT hasn't gone away.  I now have to have a nerve test next Tuesday to see how bad the CT is. My fingers hurt especially and I even strayed away from scissors I did some glitter gluing that's it.  Then the following Tuesday after Christmas I have to see my Ortho Doctor (who is awesome by the way) to go over the results. My doc was hoping I'd be better. Me too doc, me too.

Also I am starting to come down with a cold which I was trying so darn hard to avoid.  I've got a cold sore and my glands hurt.  Speaking of colds the weather is down right nasty. I got out of our staff meeting at work to a skating rink in the parking lot.

I went home to lie down and I decided to get up earlier so I could scrap my windows if need be and it's a good thing because when I looked out the window there was snow too. Fantastic.  I'm ready for summer already!

The only positive thing is I reloading my Starbucks card so there is a White Chocolate Peppermint Mocha with my name on it

My re-loaded Starbucks card though I think I may need to get another
you know for emergenices. 
Every cloud does have it's silver lining. 


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