R is for Retrolicious

I apologize for not posting on Monday. The change in weather made me sick with sinuses. But I am back today!

R is for Retrolicious

I have talked about Retrolicious Brand  before. See my Pac Man Dress and My Palm Sunday Dress 

I have a total of four dresses  now from Retrolicious and I am sharing two of the newest ones I've purchased since the last two posts:

Dino mite Dress. I feel in LOVE with this dress. It is very PINK and with pockets!!

That is one thing I love about Retrolicious Dresses is that they are bright with color! And the next dress is no acceptation:

I paired it with my faux leather jacket!

Pool Floaties Dress I bought this dress to actually wear when the weather gets cooler which hasn't happened yet. However this dress is super cute and fun to wear!

We are still over 90 degrees in Nebraska! Normally I like the warm weather but I am ready for the cooler temps my apartment has been so hot lately and I am tired of running the AC! 

Also I went to a rummage sale Thursday and I have a massive haul for this months thrift/garage sale haul I am not sure how I want to go about yet. I am not sure if I want to film (something I never done before), or break it up into two posts since it's so much goodness! My Ipsy for September has arrived too! 

There is a lot of goodness to share in the days ahead stay tuned! 


Miss Mag Nificent 


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