Geeky Weekend

Happy First Day of Summer! Today is my last official day of class! I have only two weeks off (it will go by quick) but I plan to enjoy it!

My friend Shannon's birthday was Sunday but we celebrated on Friday with tacos, and a nerdy/geeky weekend. We went to Pop Culture Exchange and Hollywood Candy

Pop Culture pictures

Wall of Simpsons the Bart phone almost went home with me

This corner screams my childhood I had all four of those Care Bears once upon a time   

Hollywood Candy

I love this place! I swear I saw a bunch of new things when I came in.

So what did I get on my adventure?

The Simpsons cards were for Dad for Father's Day, A 99 cent Captain America figure, some pop rocks, Cheerwine (soda) and the Wonder Woman cup. I have just the Wonder Woman figure but lost the cup so now I have a complete set!

As we drove to Hollywood Candy, we saw a bunch of vintage shops driving down the street so I was really excited! I will be definitely visiting soon! 

I will be posting my outfit on Friday :)

Saturday our town got flooded we got 5 inches of rain! My poor car get a little soaked. A lot of people had flooded basements.

Have a great week!


Margie Mae


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