Sometimes I do follow directions

Happy Friday!

I think one occupational hazard of an artist is following directions well it is for me anyways. We tend to play by our owns rules when it comes to creating but sometimes we’re assigned to do something that has to meet requirements or approval. That’s life in the creative world sometimes.

Anyways if you remember I had gotten some jewelry kits from my secret Santa and I haven’t assembled any of them because of my CT (which I have been released from yippee!) and I didn’t have any pliers, expect one pair of pink ones that tend to go missing pretty often. So I finally got a set:

The mean three: Needle nose, round, and wire cutters

Then I set to work on kit #1 which; included a necklace, bracelet, and a pair of earrings. First I had to separate the chain that came into the kit for the bracelet, and the necklace. Thank goodness for the instructions. I started with the bracelet first because it was the easiest:

For the most part anyways I had to count links to have the charms spaced correctly and then some of the charms were backwards when I put the bracelet on.

Next came the necklace:

The chain had to be divided into 3 parts (after the part for the bracelet was removed.) Next, came threading some beads and attaching them to the chain followed by two more charms. The only draw back was thin cording that came in the kit because when I put the necklace on it came off right after putting it on. So I had to use my own thicker cording and re-worked it.

Last but not least the earrings:

Overall not too hard once you got the hang of it. Funny because I did this last thinking it would be the hardset

What I liked  about the kit:

The instructions were pretty simple to follow

There was an extra head pin and charm for the earrings; which any crafter can appreciate.

The whole set was cute and unique

What I didn’t like about the kit:

The cording! I prefer the thicker stuff when it comes to beading.

I give the kit an A- only because of the cording otherwise the kit was fun. I usually don’t work with head pins, or jump rings I have them laying around but I admit that when I bead I like easy and I use just cording but after making these I think I will be a little braver and try them.

Next up will be the earring kit!

Have a great weekend!


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