Framed frustration

I was framed! Literally. I was very proud that before I did any creating what so ever that I sat down, jotted down and drew out my ideas in my idea book. Well today I decided to try one of my projects out.  I got this hand frame from Goodwill a while ago:

It's an awesome frame and the company that designed it is no longer in business I outta know because when I worked the old job I used to take orders for the company. Anyways I haven't really done anything interesting with it so I thought I'd frame this cute quote I came across. 

Well I planned it out, cut everything, etc, and then I went to frame it the quote was bigger than I expected. Even with the adjustments I made.  Talk about frustrating!

So I have to re-think and re-work it. Grrr. I wanna do something besides just stick a picture in it you know? It's back to the drawing board with this project anyways.


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