Sunday Thoughts: Roller Coaster of Emotions

This pandemic has really been hard on me on a emotional level.

Mostly I have felt anger and sadness. Along with disappointment. In a time where we need to come together I feel like we're further apart then ever. As Pink says "It's every man for himself there are no teammates" 

As someone who is HSP (Highly sensitive person) it's been hard to navigate each week. For the most part I do okay but I've noticed that I get triggered really easily.  Especially on Facebook. I had taken about 2 weeks on and off during the start of this but I decided to take a bit longer break from it because it's been really hard to express my thoughts and feelings when others don't agree. I get emotional and the combination is not good. So I uninstalled the app again, and started working on myself.  I still journal so I filled it full of what I was feeling at that exact moment (I filled 3 pages).

One thing that has really helped me during this is journaling. I try to write everyday but I don't always sometimes I take a day to process things that have happened then write about it. I also try to write positives down to try and focus on the good.

I know everyone is going through different feelings during this. A lot of people are stressed (because they're out of work), scared/worried, depressed, they might sick themselves, we can't see our family or friends, they are overworked, tired, have anxiety, some PTSD the list goes on.

We're about a month in now and it's hard to say when we will go back to normal. There has been talk about the virus peaking here, where I live we have 16 cases (as of Saturday April 18th) and 1,066 in our state. So far it hasn't although we're getting prepared with everything if there is a surge so that's comforting. It's hard to stay positive during this time too.

Also a good friend of mine passed a week ago, it's been hard to process it because she lived in Florida, etc. It's true what they say "Life is extremely short". Not sure if there will be a service for her at all or what the plan is. That has to be taken in consideration with a lot of families as well.

Thank you to everyone who is doing their part by staying home and flattening the curve.

Thank you to the ones who still have to work (myself included) during this time. The list is long but you know who you are.

We'll get through this.

Miss Mag Nificent


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