Vintage Style Swimsuit from Amazon

Hello Babes!

I am finally getting around to writing a review about my vintage inspired swimsuit that I got from Amazon. I wore it last Sunday finally!

First off. I don't like swimsuit shopping. I am not a fan. I rather just buy the suit, try it on at home, then return it if it doesn't workout instead of the dreaded dressing room.

Also, I wasn't fully on board with buying vintage styled items off of Amazon either. I know you can buy vintage style dresses, petticoats, etc off of Amazon too but I am one of those gals who knows her brands, what she likes, sizes, and customer service of places if there is a problem. So I wasn't fully jumping on the band wagon yet.

I decided to give the benefit of doubt and order one.

I picked a suit from the brand Joy Mode 

What a I love about the swimsuit:

It has Spanx style shorts underneath the skirt to prevent chafing of the thighs which you girl appreciates because there is nothing more I hate than thigh rub!!

The bow can be adjusted to show more or less cleavage-which really doesn't make a difference for yours truly ha.

It also has pads which is supposed to give "bust" support which again I really don't need help in that department. I just find them cumbersome and usually remove them any piece of clothing that has them.

Also the skirt is really cute and hides what it should 

I ordered the suit in an 3XL because I wanted to make sure that the suit fit comfortably. Always the old saying "When in doubt size up" again it can be returned if things didn't fit. But it fit really well and everything was in it's place that should be.

Overall I love the suit. I paired it with the red hat that I got a garage sale last year for a cover up I used a Steady Tee and then my lose fitting anchor top.  

Have a great week!

Miss Mag Nificent 


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