Junkstock Recap

Happy Monday and July 2nd!

Is it just me or has the summer flying by already? Last weekend was Junkstock with a twist called "Underneath the Stars" which was an evening version of the event. However it was only Friday and Saturday which I was stuck working those days so I made it for Sunday morning which was earlier/shorter from 8am-3pm.

One great thing this time is they added a vintage Ferris Wheel (I happen to love Ferris Wheels) so it was fun to ride it of course!

Don't let the grey skies fool you it was nice day!

The view from the top!

During the Spring Edition I had taken photos of the little gypsy wagon but deleted the the outside of it so here's what it looks like on the outside and the inside:

What bummed me out with this edition there was less vendors so not nearly as many treasures to hunt for I did get another vintage camera to add to my collection and I bought a Junkstock baseball tee. 

Last but not least in honor of 4th July being Wednesday an awesome mural of Willie Nelson!

I am still playing catch up from being off last week, so I have an Erstwilder Brooch release that was also last month. Along with back fashion Fridays too so bear with me. Also I am going to Miss Des Monies Vintage Bike night Thursday to support my 2 pinup babes that made the contest, it will be weird to be a spectator for the first time since I started competing but I plan to look fabulous none the less!

Otherwise I don't have any solid plans for the holiday which seems weird to be in the middle of the week am I right?


Miss Mag Nificent 


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