Pinup Contests Part 1: What to expect

Sorry it's a little blurry and for the head. Miss World of Wheels 2018

Since it's pinup contest season, I thought I would share some of my tips, tricks and what to expect for anyone who is a newbie at pinup contests. I will be doing 2 parts to this post this one being What to expect for a pinup contest and part 2 is how to prepare for the contest.

I'm no expert by any means I've been in three (soon to be four) contests and I was a runner up for one so I have a wee bit of knowledge to pass on.

First and foremost: NO PINUP CONTEST IS THE SAME.  Each contest is different, they have different requirements on how to enter, some require a fee, some you just show up and you're in so it just depends. 

One thing that is the same: That you're representing the pinup community! Which is something awesome to be represent so make sure you keep that in mind when entering any contest. 

For Miss World of Wheels and Miss Des Monies Vintage Bike Night: I had to submit an entry email, I had to talk about myself, include my stage name, what I did for charity work, my hobbies etc. I also had to include 3 professional pinup photos of myself which is why it is good to have professional pinup photos done as often as you can. I know that can be pricey but trust me it's worth it! Plus you can build your pinup portfolio this way!

For Summer Spectacular: There is a day announced when  sign up is and it's first come first serve. There is only 15 spots. We pay a fee of $15.00 (which goes towards costs of hiring the bands etc). We write an e-mail telling about ourselves to be read during the contest. 

Scene of the Crash: We just pay an entrance fee ($10.00) for a wrist band. There is no limit with contestants (as far as I know) and we show up the day of the contest ready to take the stage. 

Do you need a stage name?  Not necessarily but it doesn't hurt to have one. I think one of the hardest things for me was finding a name. Mag Nificent came as a play on words by a friend of mine when I asked on Facebook for help on finding one. I had tried one (Margie Mae) but then I found out it was already taken by another pinup. That is one of the things/kicker about pinup names most common names are taken. So it's hard to be original with the pinup name. I added Miss in front of it. Most pinups have that in front of their names which again is optional.

Try looking at your family tree at your grandmothers names, etc play around with your mother's maiden names too. Try avoid using common names like Cherry, Sparkle, Betty, Violet, Dita, or adding Von to your name.

Your picture will be taken. Photographers will be present the day of the show, they take pictures of all the contestants be ready to smile and pose!

Introduce yourself to the other contestants and judges: That way you know who you're sharing the stage with, one of the awesome things I've gained from pageants is friendships with other fabulous babes! 

Be ready to answer questions: There is a Q & A part to the contest this is how the judges select the winner. The are a simple basic questions here's a few examples:

How did you get into pinup?

With your title of __________ (name of the contest) what would you do if you won?

What is your favorite rockabilly band? 

What are essentials that a pinup needs? 

If you were a Real Housewife what would your tag line be? (that was from Daisy Jones) 
 Some contests are nice and will give you the questions before hand so you can prepare some don't but the tip is don't over think your answers!

Last but not least I am sharing a post from Fran Robertson about entering pinup contests 
she shares amazing tips! Stay tuned for Monday for part 2 of this post!


Miss Mag Nificent


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