Erst Wilder Releases!

Gah! By time I get this post up, I am sure Erst Wilder will have another release!!

Last month Erst Wilder did not but one but two releases in June! The first release is called the Favorites which some of the popular brooches Erst Wilder had and re-leased in some newer designs.Then they also release a Astrology set called Written in the stars!

There is a reason I had to wait to share this collection and now that I have all the pieces I can share!

Neko the Beckoner 

Oh my gosh!! I didn't have an Erstwilder Cat brooch yet so when I saw this was available I knew he had to be mine. Daisy Jones Locker sold out of him but the owner Angi (who is DOPE by the way) ordered him for me! (#smallbusiness). I call Neko cat's "Lucky cats" because that's what they truly are!

If you follow Erst Wilder on Social Media, you can find the favorite pieces. They aren't in their own category anymore but that way you can find them!  Neko is under Nihon Journey!

Taurus the Tactile

I am 100% proud Taurus! So when this release was happening I was super excited! Actually purple isn't really my color but I actually really really like the color scheme on the brooch!

Also you can get you can pick up the elements brooch (Earth, Fire, Water, and Air) which goes with your sign. Taurus is an Earth Sign so Emma of the Earth is a cute little pixie! I didn't pick her up but she's pretty darn cute.

The reason this post is late besides the obvious waiting for my pieces is that when I picked up Neko at Daisy Jones, I was entered for a give way for this necklace and won!!

The Evening Star Necklace 

I was surprised to have won this contest I rarely win anything! The cool part is that Erst Wilder was adding the necklace FREE to any Written in the Stars order. Though I don't think they are running the deal anymore. But you can purchase the necklace separately.

This is my 2nd Erst Wilder necklace and this necklace is SO pretty with color combinations of pink/purple with glitter it's definitely swoon worthy!

It has been a year since I jumped the Erst Wilder band wagon and my collection has grown so much! In fact I've run out of drawer space that I had reserved for them! I have yet to come up with a solution to that so I will keep you posted on that!

Have a great week!!

Miss Mag Nificent 


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