First Dress of 2018

This weekend I am finally going to Planet Comic Con which has been  a long time coming! I supposed to go two years ago but at the last minute my plans fell through and I wasn't able to go, last year I had to work but this year I pulled some strings and I am able to go!!

Plus I finally get to meet Jason David Frank who was the green ranger on Power Rangers growing up, later the white ranger (and a few additional colors but early 90's Power Rangers was my jam) AND Amy Jo Johnson who was the pink ranger at the same time!! I am really excited!

Next week, I plan to share my experiences of Planet CC, what I packed for the event etc.

Onto the post! (This dress I've totally packed for the event by the way!)

I have been wearing some of my regular frocks as of late so I didn't get around to ordering a new dress yet but again Retrolicious has come out  with some new dresses and I suddenly want to


Does anyone else have this problem not just me?   

I really wanted a Pop Art dress for a long time since I started getting into dresses and when I saw Retrolicious had one and at a reasonable price I was ALL over it!!! 

Pop art dress: Retrolicious 
Cardigan: Mak via Daisy Jones Locker  
Necklace and earrings: Dolly Cool Jewels (mine was custom made)
Leggings:  Walmart 
Batman Converse: The Flying Worm Vintage

The weather has been crazy lately. We've had a lot of snow/cold temps then it's was in the 40's this week on V-Day which was crazy! We had an A&W open this week which is really exciting because back in the day we had one (when my parents were kids) and the closet one is in Omaha but I have been to the one in Columbus several times. I can't wait to try it!

Have a great weekend!


Miss Mag Nificent



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