February Pinup in a Pack

It is the last day of February and I figured it was no better time then to finally show my February Pinup in a pack. I also have February's Can't Clutch This which I will share tomorrow.

You know the drill of Pinup in a pack so let's get to it!

I think February's Pinup in a pack is my favorite so far! It's a heart/Valentine's theme with heart earrings in various sizes, heart shaped sunnies and another really pretty scarf.

I normally shy away from gold jewelry as you know but I am starting to add touches to my collection and I love the various sizes though. The sunnies are perfect I was thrilled to get black ones (2nd pair of sunnies for 2018 I am not mad about it) I have a collection of heart shaped sunnies too. The scarf is gorgeous and a different style compared to December's pack.

This month's pack I'd give an A+


Miss Mag Nificent 


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